Recently, Jiangsu Hengnai Furnace Group Co., Ltd ("Jiangsu Hengnai") in Changzhou announced that it has completed the acquisition of a controlling interest in AGC Industrial Ceramics (Yixing) Co. Ltd. is a leading industrial ceramics and high-temperature refractories company in the world.
Changzhou Keystone One Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) (Fund No. S09804) and Qingdao Guodao Hidden Rise Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (Fund No. SB2091)
Chinese corporate lawyer represented China Company A to file an arbitration with the Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting Company B and its founders, who had increased the capital of Company A, to fulfill the obligation of equity repurchase in accordance with the Investment Agreement signed by all parties, and Company B hired the top partner team of Red Circle Law Firm in China as the attorney to respond to the lawsuit.
Recently, the author's team received an award from the Beijing Arbitration Commission, which ruled that the author's team had won the case of equity repurchase dispute between an investment institution and the controlling shareholder of a VIE structure company. The case was complicated, and the agency team summarized nearly 20 points of contention, but the Arbitration Commission finally focused on the "entire agreement" clause (entire agreement), a foreign product, and combined with Ch
With the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and since the 2020 State Council government work report proposed to improve the effectiveness of the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the implementation of the three-year action plan for SOE reform, some local state-owned enterprises commissions (SASACs) and centralized enterprises (SOEs) began to study and implement the three-year action plan, and formulated the implementation plan to meet the situation of the local
Direct Investment in U.S. Equity Structuring from a Tax Perspective With the deepening of global economic integration, more and more Chinese enterprises are seeking cross-border investment to expand their business and acquire resources, which brings about tax issues arising from the distribution of earnings of foreign enterprises as dividends to Chinese shareholders. This article takes Chinese enterprises' direct investment in the U.S. as an example, and analyzes how to make reasonable planning
Overseas investment by Chinese enterprises has shown a rapid growth trend, and Germany, as Europe's largest economy and technology powerhouse, has been an important investment destination for Chinese enterprises. When investing in Germany, many legal and tax issues need to be considered, especially when it comes to equity structure planning, which requires extra caution. In this article, we will discuss the considerations for Chinese enterprises in the planning of equity structure for direct inv
In 2021, our attorneys represented a post-divorce property dispute case (our attorneys represented the plaintiff's side), which was complicated and took nearly two years to go through the first and second trials. Changzhou Intermediate People's Court finally issued a judgment in 2023, upholding the first instance judgment and supporting all of the plaintiff's claims.
2022年,本所律师代理A公司向北京仲裁委员会提起仲裁,要求A公司增资的B公司及其创始人根据各方签署的《投资协议》履行股权回购义务,B公司聘请了国内顶尖的红圈所合伙人团队作为代理人应诉。经过一年多的仲裁程序,仲裁庭对该起股权回购案件作出裁决,本所律师团队帮助A公司成功胜诉,B公司以及控股股东应支付回购款3750万元。 案件回顾 B公司是一家采用VIE架构的电子商务公司,启动B+轮融资时,A公司以人
6月28日,本所梅琳律师受邀前往常州星河地产,为星河地产的星河澜月湾、星河丹堤、星河时代三个项目的一线销售人员开展“房地产企业交易风险预防”专题讲座。 梅律师从规范房地产企业广告发布制度、明确交易中的定金与订金等、注意代理销售的风险、预防业主断供风险几个角度,结合大量案例对商品房买卖中的风险预防给出了专业法律建议。现场各位一线销售人员在听讲之余,还与梅律师就销售过程中遇到的问题进行了交流,梅律师针